Artists: Myriam Leblanc, soprano, Grégoire Jeay, flute, Chloe Meyers, violin; Mélisande Corriveau, bass viol, Antoine Malette-Chénier, baroque harp and Alexander Weimann, keyboard
Chaconnes and passacaglias have their roots in popular tradition and have inspired hundreds of compositions since the 16th century. One of the peculiarities of this genre is its decidedly sensual aspect, with the repeated bass causing a certain trance. The improvised character of these pieces are conducive to expressing all kinds of affects, moods and colours, and provide the perfect canvas for the magnificent voice, strong stage presence and incredible charisma of soprano Myriam Leblanc. Of the many composers presented, you’ll delight in the works of Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Legrenzi, Merula and Rossi and a newly composed chaconne by Grégoire Jeay for flute, violin and basso continuo.